Category Archives for Credit Score providers

Experian Boost. A What is it review by

Boost from Experian: Does it Work?

It cannot be helped that your credit score can be the sole determining factor on how wide (or limited) your credit options are. This can be rather problematic if you are new to the whole concept of building your credit score since you have little to no credit history to fall back on.

However, Experian launched in 2019 a free service that may just help you build on your score. How it works is rather unique but it does beg the question: Is it effective?

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credit karma

Credit Karma: Legit or Not?

Ever since they first offered their services to the public in 2007, Credit Karma has made a name for itself as a reliable and mostly free credit reporting and assistance agency. And given the fact that the service has over 100 million members in the US and Canada alone and more than 3 million people in the UK, you would think that subscribing to them would not be a bad idea at all.

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ClearScore: Should You Use It?

The regular credit holder would value reliability more than anything else as far as their credit reports are concerned. After all, you would rather hear the true state of your credit activities from a source that is accurate and comprehensive. There are tons of sources out there that offer credit reports for you to use […]

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Using CheckMyFile for Your Credit Report: Everything You Need to Know

Your credit report is a rather vital document. After all, it contains every bit of information that can explain to you why you are eligible/not eligible for certain loans and what you can do to improve your standing among creditors.

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Experian’s Credit Report and Why You Should Subscribe to It

Having the right kind of information is necessary in controlling your finances. A credit report will help you improve on your performance as a credit holder. This is why it would be necessary that you have access to it whenever you have the need for it. It’s one thing to have access to the information […]

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Business partners

What Is CRAIN?

There are a lot of questions one might have regarding their credit information. The most pressing of these questions, however, is how they are prepared in the first place. You might have wondered on what grounds is an agency authorized to compile our information and make a report out of it? The answer lies in […]

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Who is the best Credit Reference Provider?

Well, truth is there isn’t one. The best one will be the one that the provider of the product or service you are about to purchase with….Whoever it is that they use to perform credit checks.Lets work through an example. Lets say you will be changing your car in the next six months. You always purchase using […]

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Office buildings


In the UK we have a multiple of credit profile providers. The main ones are listed here:Provide​​​​​​rExperianEquifaxTransUnion (formerly CallCreditNoddleClearScoreCheckMyFile

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