Category Archives for Credit Score

Why have a high credit score?

Why Have a High Credit Score?

There is quite a lot of financial advice that you can follow. Things like managing your debt and doing research on any potential investment opportunity are both sound financial pieces of advice. However, if there is one bit of financial advice that all experts would stand by, it would be this: Get a good enough credit score.

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Debit card trying to talk to credit score

Does a debit card affect my credit score?

While credit cards can impact your financial standing, a debit card has no impact whatsoever on your credit score. The only way to build a credit score is to apply for and use credit responsibly. Whether that means using credit cards or other forms of paying for things. Every time you borrow money and pay it back on time, you’re helping to build a positive credit history. And each time you are late or miss a payment, you’re hurting your score.

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CreditLadder logo

CreditLadder: Does It Really Work?

What if rent payments were included in your credit score? Historically rental payments have not been included. This is what CreditLadder offers to tenants and it might just hold some promise those wanting to improve their credit score.

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Klarna and How it Can Affect Your Credit Score

For a lot of credit holders, there is nothing scarier than a “Buy Now, Pay Later” scheme. After all, research has shown that more than 2 million shoppers have damaged their credit lines over using BNPL methods.

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credit karma

Credit Karma: Legit or Not?

Ever since they first offered their services to the public in 2007, Credit Karma has made a name for itself as a reliable and mostly free credit reporting and assistance agency. And given the fact that the service has over 100 million members in the US and Canada alone and more than 3 million people in the UK, you would think that subscribing to them would not be a bad idea at all.

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ClearScore: Should You Use It?

The regular credit holder would value reliability more than anything else as far as their credit reports are concerned. After all, you would rather hear the true state of your credit activities from a source that is accurate and comprehensive. There are tons of sources out there that offer credit reports for you to use […]

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Different systems

Do we Have a FICO Score in the UK?

Believe it or not, there are multiple ways for your credit score to be calculated. This goes beyond how the credit reporting agencies compile data for your credit file, mind you. It’s about different programs that use different standards in order to come up with a figure for your credit score. One of the more […]

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How Can I Keep My Score Safe?

The best thing that can be said about credit scores is that you can at least expect a new figure once the next credit report is ready to be published. Credit scores are quite inconsistent from one report to another because they are based on your most recent activities. Here is the problem, though: a […]

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Being Financially Linked: What Do I Need to Be Aware Of?

It’s not uncommon to check on your credit report and find something there is seemingly inaccurate or out of date. Things like wrong entries or outstanding balances already paid are easily disputed and subsequently amended. However, one factor that is not as easy to dispute is that of financial links. What are these and how […]

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Smart toddler learning basics

What is a Credit Score?

So far, we’ve been talking about how to improve on credit scores, what to do keep them at a high, and what not to do in order to hurt it. We’ve also been talking about how a credit score can influence many of your transactions, even those activities that do not necessarily revolve around credit. […]

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